Garden Therapy
As a young child I remember hearing my mother say that she was off to have ‘garden therapy’.

Favourite Subject At School
What was your favourite subject at school? And why? Was it the teacher or the content? I am interested to know. I had several favourite...

Extraordinary Italian Experiences
Continuing with my theme of Italian experiences and resuming my nostalgic trip down memory lane several events stand out as...

Living through this strange time of Covid, border closures and lockdowns, I have been contemplating on the many happy memories I have.

Visiting The Cinque Terre.
One of my many ambitions in life was to visit the Cinque Terre in Italy, a series of tiny villages perched along a steep cliff in Liguria.

Bella Italia (continued)
My passion for Bella Italia (beautiful Italy) continued, living my dream in Luscignano, a tiny, remote village in the mountains in...

My Love Affair With Italy
My love affair with Italy only intensified following three more opera extravaganzas with Opera Australia and Continuing Education with...

My Love Of Italy
I have such a clear memory of the beginning of my love affair with Italy.

The Importance Of Memories
As I enter my seventy fifth year I have become more aware of the importance of precious memories.

Farewell Priscilla
The time has come to say farewell to our caravan ‘Priscilla.’