Departing South from Gladstone to the Gold Coast
The moment arrived when we could depart the security of the driveway of our son and daughter-in-law's home to head off in 'Priscilla' (the caravan).

The driveway had been our home for three months while Rick used and enjoyed the use of Anthony's advice, tools and shed to set up our 'rig' for the big trip around Australia.
As we pulled away I felt acutely aware that we had cut the proverbial umbilical cord and we were on our own from now on.
We sailed along the Bruce Highway at the recommended 90 kmph, much to the disgust of the multitude of Truckies, impatient to pass and continue their battle against the clock. The remnants of Cyclone 'Oma' could still be felt as we were buffeted from both sides, but Priscilla performed well.
She was booked into the Caravan Hospice to have several small ailments attended to in Nambour.
Once she was given the 'all clear', we were off.
Our first stop was with friends outside Gympie. Millie immediately felt at home with space, animals and other dogs. She was intrigued by the stud Boer goats who stared at her indignantly, wondering what this little ball of black fluff could be. She scuttled into the caravan whenever the bigger dogs looked threatening in their desire to play. It didn't take long before they were best friends and we enjoyed a delightful evening with our hosts.
We awoke to the most beautiful view outside our caravan window, tall gum trees, a soft pink sunrise all enhanced by the chattering of multitudes of birds singing their delight at the beginning of a new day.
We had invited our hosts to join us for breakfast in 'Priscilla'. They arrived bearing hot coffee. We enjoyed a healthy smoothy, made by Rick.'

Come on Millie, hop up,' we called when we were ready to leave.
'I don't think so,' was her reply as she cringed and refused to load.
She didn't want to leave this haven for dogs.
I wonder how she will go around Australia?
It was an uneventful drive to Kirra Caravan Park, the only pet friendly park on the Gold Coast.
We enjoyed a pleasant time here for ten days. Millie was beginning to learn caravan park etiquette, but was rewarded by long and happy walks on the beach twice a day.
We were learning the ropes, but still far from beginning our travelling adventure.
Until next time......