Delayed Departure
What an interesting month it has been.
I was thrilled to be invited to be Guest Speaker for two functions on the Gold Coast. The first, Robina View Club where 85 ladies gathered for their monthly meeting and a delicious morning tea. I am very impressed by the work the View Clubs do, supporting The Smith Family by funding the education of underprivileged children. I have sponsored a child and look forward to watching his/her progress. Education is something I am passionate about. It is the right of every child to have the foundation to lead a productive life. It breaks my heart to think of the many sad cases where children fail to have this opportunity.

This was a generous and appreciative audience, we shared many laughs together. Thank you Robina View Club. My second Guest Speaking role was for Robina Probus Club and once again, a interested and interactive group. Thank you Robina Probus Club.
An Author Talk at Gympie Library followed five days later. This was to be the beginning of our big trip around Australia, but the best laid plans come unstuck……more later.
The guests arrived and we found we all had contacts with our past! One couple had driven from Roma to meet us. Fergus had been on a neighbouring station in the Gulf.
‘I haven’t seen you both since 1973,’ he announced. We had a lot to catch up with.
‘I haven’t seen you for 53 years,’ another man said to me! We had played tennis together in Deniliquin, and he had grown up with Rick in Sydney and jackerooed in Queensland. A small world!! It was like a re-union of old friends.
The power of a book to re-connect with people is amazing. I have done about 80 Library presentations, and there is rarely one that doesn’t produce a mutual connection.
Sadly, our departure for our adventure around Australia in ‘Priscilla’ the caravan, and Millie the miniature schnoodle, has been postponed. Before setting off, I insisted that we have full medicals, dental, skin checks, which we did. Rick and I are the healthiest people, but it was discovered that Rick has a low grade prostate cancer. It is treatable and we are grateful it has been picked up early. However, we need to deal with this little sucker before we leave. As someone said,‘This cancer has no idea who it has taken on!’We are very grateful to have a lovely apartment belonging to friends to stay in while we wait for treatment. ‘Priscilla’ is happily parked in a friend’s garden, waiting for ‘D Day’.

I will sign out until we are on the move, which will hopefully be in the next 6-8 weeks. Until next time......