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Combating Boredom In Isolation

Rick and I are in the perfect place to ride out this craziness that is going on. Priscilla is parked alongside a shed on my nephew’s seven-acre property on the Bellarine Peninsular. How lucky are we? Plenty of space and PLENTY of fresh (strong) air, great walking for Millie and rabbits for her to chase. We are blessed.

At this stage my book launch of ‘Innocent Nurses Abroad’ is still going ahead at Mt Gambier Town Hall on 31st March at 7pm. However, with things changing every day, who would know?

After four days of searching, Rick finally managed to obtain a pack of toilet rolls by joining the elderly early this morning. I hope the people who have been hoarding toilet paper enjoy their selfish and greedy supply.

I am very happy to avoid crowds and stay home, albeit a temporary and very small home in Priscilla. It’s time to catch up with friends on the phone, write a blog and even begin my next book. This is a time to reflect, relax and rethink where we are heading and what is important to us. Maybe we all needed this wake-up call, but most of all, please don’t panic!

I am VERY excited to announce that ‘Innocent Nurses Abroad” is in Pre-Sale NOW! With all the doubts about coronavirus creating delays with printing, my wonderful team at Ocean Reeve Publishing have pulled out all stops and we are on track to have the books at the end of this month! Wooppeeee!!!!! I’m excited.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to order your copy (or copies!) NOW. Make the most of the special price for a limited time.

Order on. My web page:

Combat the boredom of social isolation, curl up and read a good book, have a laugh and discover how overseas travel was completely different in 1968, read how adventures and close encounters were only avoided by naivety and innocent ignorance. Our parents would be horrified to read this book if they were alive today!

Whilst here on the beautiful Bellarine Peninsular where my nursing friends now live, we have been enjoying plenty of laughs about our adventures, and even more stories are emerging. Friendship that lasts for more than half a decade are precious and strong. While maintaining a meter and half distance with no hugs and kisses, we have managed to walk and talk in the wind, with no fear of the virus catching us!

On another note, I’m delighted to have a feature article, with fellow author and great friend, Marisa Parker, in the magazine, ‘RUTH,’ a quarterly publication of the CWA. Avril Priem, a freelance journalist who has become a dear friend, interviewed us both and has written about the importance of leaving a legacy. Stories are important for our future generations to understand about our lives, when generations differ considerably as time goes by. When I speak at Author Talks, I always stress to my guests to record their memories. It doesn’t have to be a published book, which my husband describes as ‘giving birth’!! What would he know about that? Having a journal beside the bed and jotting down memories as they come to you, recording on your mobile phone (having a grandchild help!), hand written notes, labelling photographs are just a few suggestions. Please don’t think your story is not interesting. It IS!

If you are a published author, never underestimate the power of media coverage. Local radio stations and publications are always looking for interesting articles to write. I was doing an Author Talk at Bundaberg Library on a long weekend. It was the Monday and only six people had listed to attend. Twenty eight people arrived and all the extra guests had come after hearing my interview on the ABC that morning. One couple had diverted off the highway to attend. Sales of my book have always accelerated following an interview or an article in a magazine/newspaper.

I have no idea where we will be in the next two weeks, hopefully launching ‘Innocent Nurses Abroad’ at Mount Gambier and making lots of money for the local Breast Cancer Fund Raising committee.

In the meantime, stay well, enjoy a quieter time unless you are a parent with children home from school. Even so, enjoy them! Let’s hope the madness of the crowds settles down and people become a little more caring of their fellow humans.

Author Jenny Old

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