Change of Plans
Like everyone, our plans drastically changed due to Covid19. Following two wonderful months in beautiful Tasmania, gorging on delicious local fresh produce, the best oysters, Fish & chips, raspberries, cheese, vino, chocolate to name of few delicacies, we are now home and happy to be so.

Following an uneventful crossing of Bass Strait on the Spirit of Tasmania we drove to the Bellarine Peninsular where Priscilla parked in a very comfortable spot on seven acres belonging to my nephew. Millie was in dog heaven being able to be free-range AND with rabbits to chase aplenty. Our plans to re-unite with my dear nursing friends, the stars of my new book ‘Innocent Nurses Abroad’ went ahead with social distancing. I was lucky to be able to enjoy many of the superb beach and bush walks on offer as we were out in the fresh air, which was occasionally at gale force strength! That little sucker wasn’t going to survive in that wind!
I was expecting my book launch, which was a Cancer Fund Raising event at Mt Gambier Town Hall, to be cancelled at any moment, causing us to wait before making any plans. It was a very pleasant time as we were very comfortable, with my friends nearby, plenty of great walks and new country to explore every day UNTIL the great toilet paper debacle hit home! What is with these people hoarding toilet paper? The frenzy that ensued was crazy to observe. In desperation, Rick joined the “old’ people at 7am to purchase our small supply. Living in a caravan does not allow for hoarding!
As things became more serious by the day, and the book launch was cancelled, we decided that being at home was our best option to sit this thing out. The thought of being in isolation in a caravan with everything shut, germs everywhere, did not appeal to either of us. We headed for home, arriving after two twelve-hour drives by my amazing husband. It was a great relief and wonderful to be greeted by a well-stocked fridge, and a list of rules from Ben and the children.
Isolation? I love it! Bliss for an introvert gardener like me. What an opportunity to write another book, maybe a fiction this time. My imagination is running riot!

I have been very lucky to have the friendship of a freelance journalist who has been extremely supportive and encouraging to me on my writing journey. Avril Priem has written a wonderful two-page spread in the quarterly CWA magazine, ‘RUTH.’ Avril interviewed my good friend and fellow author Marisa Parker and I, over a coffee and cake, about the importance of recording memoirs in whatever form is easy for the individual. Please purchase RUTH from leading Newsagencies, but only in Queensland and NSW. It is packed with interesting stories, recipes, book reviews and more.
Thank you, Avril.
While on gratitude;
To all the wonderful health workers out there in all fields, a huge thank you for all you are doing at the cold face of this awful epidemic. You are greatly appreciated, and we applaud you. Being an ‘expired’ nurse, I have a small understanding of the toll this will be having on you and your families.
For anyone who has time on their hands in isolation and would enjoy a book about nursing in the 1960’s, my new book ‘Innocent Nurses Abroad’ is available at a special price for a limited time. Nursing and travel were very different. My story covers travelling to Europe in 1968, with freedom and challenges unheard of in current times.
There are plenty of laughs and the inevitable love story.
To order;
At this uncertain time for all of us, my thoughts go out to everyone who has lost their job and the businesses forced to close or struggling to stay open. Please everyone, stay home, stay well and safe. Let’s beat this thing and come out the other side stronger than ever.
Author Jenny Old
Author on Board