My Love Affair With Italy
My love affair with Italy only intensified following three more opera extravaganzas with Opera Australia and Continuing Education with...

The Importance Of Memories
As I enter my seventy fifth year I have become more aware of the importance of precious memories.

Farewell Priscilla
The time has come to say farewell to our caravan ‘Priscilla.’

Author On The Road Again
I wonder what the following few days will bring? I’m sure this ‘author on the road will have more adventures to report.

Having Fun With Interviews
Several weeks ago, I was delighted to be interviewed by Ocean Reeve for a Podcast in his series ‘The Author Angle.’

Being a published author has many rewarding factors. One of the biggest one for me has been the connections I have made since publishing....

Musings From A Mother Of Boys
Having been blessed with two sons, I had no clue about the difference between boys and girls. As a mother of boys, I was accustomed to chaos

The Value Of Personal Space
It was quite recently that I came to appreciate the true value of personal space. It was a ‘light bulb’ moment!

I Fed The Family Dog Food!
How could this happen? How could I feed my family dog food?
Well, I did, and it wasn’t a mistake.
I fed the family dog food on purpose!

Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway
Feel the Fear and do it Anyway’ is the mantra I live by most days of my life.
Why? In 1986 we moved to Toowoomba from our cattle property.